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Record product review video with two people

It's great that you have a kind helper by your side. Let's get started right away!

There are only three simple steps required and the whole process takes no longer than 15 minutes.

Below you will find a simple step-by-step guide. Additionally, we have also provided an example of what your finished video might look like.

This is how your product review video could look in the end

1. Record video

It's best to sit at a table for filming. It's very important that your helper films everything in landscape format. We recommend performing the following actions in your video:

- You open the watch box and show the watch and the warranty card

- You hold the watch in your hand and show it from all sides

- You wear the watch and show it from all sides

Of course, you can also independently come up with other or additional scenes. It's best if you talk about your experiences with the watch while filming, about the features, the materials, what you particularly like, etc. The more details you show, the more interesting and helpful your video is for the viewers.

2. Upload video

The video is in the can, very good! Now it just needs to be uploaded to YouTube. For that, you need the YouTube app. If you don't have it yet, download it from the Play Store or Apple Store.

2.1. Open the YouTube app and click on the circle with the + in the middle at the bottom.

YouTube Upload

2.2. Select Upload Video.

Video hochladen

2.3. Select your video and click CONTINUE in the top right corner

2.4. Give your video a title in the following format: LOUIS XVI [Name of your model] Review - @louisxviwatches, so if you have the Palais Royale model, then title it: LOUIS XVI Palais Royale Review - @louisxviwatches

2.5. As a description, insert the following: I present to you my LOUIS XVI [Name of your model]! @louisxviwatches, for example: I present to you my LOUIS XVI Palais Royale! @louisxviwatches

Feel free to add more to the description, as there are no limits to your creativity.

2.6. Make sure that "Public" is selected under visibility.

Sichtbarkeit Öffentlich

2.7. Click on NEXT

2.8. Select the option "No, it is not specifically for children" and then click UPLOAD


3. Send us the link to your video

Send us the link to your video via email to In addition to the link, we also need the following information from you in the email:

- Name and First Name

- Address

Within 24 hours, you will receive your voucher code worth 100 EUR sent to the email address you provided (if you upload your video on a weekend, it may take until Monday for you to receive the voucher code).


Congratulations, you did it! Thank you very much for participating.